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My niece and I at KISS' Farewell in San Antonio, TX - March 31, 2000

My niece on the receiving end of a Stinger Death Drop.

Mom and Dad stylin' and profilin' in San Francisco.

Mom, sister, and niece

Smile Grams!

My niece putting the bunny ears on my pops.

Paul Stanley and Bruce Kulick autographed this pic for me at the Dallas Convention.

My autographed pic of Astros 1B Jeff Bagwell and myself in Houston around '95

My autographed pic of the Stinger.

I got each Union member to autograph the setlist sheet from their Austin gig in '98.

Union drummer Brent Fritz and I

Union bassist Jamie Hunting, myself, and Brent

Union at the Atomic Cafe in Austin

Lead singer John Corabi and myself

Bruce autographed my Dallas KISS Konvention pass

My autographed Bagwell rookie card

Got Chocolate Milk?

Bruce rockin' in Austin

Gene on the Farewell Tour

Ace smokin' in Dallas

Paul taking flight

Pete singing away

Sting autographing in Long Beach

Nitro Girls Chae and Fyre posing in San Antonio

Konnan, Chae, and Fyre smilin' in San Antonio

Konnan chillin'

Marie, the new hottie in WCW

Syren, my new fave Nitro Girl

A golden smile

Kim Kanner, former nWo girl known as Shakira